About IAM

medijska produkcija


IAM - Institute and academy of multimedia
Leskoškova 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Headmaster: dr. Nejc Zakrajšek

tel.: + 386 1 524 00 44
mob: + 386 41 968 405
e-mail: [email protected]


​As a pioneer in the field of multimedia education and prime mover in defining job qualifications for Slovenia’s media production sector, IAM perceives its mission primary in the development and managing of media education programmes. With wide cooperation in development of new job qualifications, we intend to assure better employment possibilities for our graduate students. The purpose of our research and development activities is to optimize the conditions for student work and to actively participate in the rapid development of the media production in Slovenia.

IAM’s activities are oriented also towards development and assistance in media education for the Slovene formal school system and towards teacher training for media assisted education and other issues of e-learning.

We intend to accomplish our mission through narrow cooperation with the main national institutions in the area of education, research and culture as well as the most important media production companies in Slovenia and abroad.

In order to achieve our aims we will foster international cooperation with similar institutions abroad, both disseminating our own and learning from other examples of good practice, especially in the area of Southeastern Europe. IAM believes that well-coordinated local professional potential along with a strong regional network can lead to high quality media education, and thus to transculturally well-integrated media production.


​With high-quality service and professional work we intend to strengthen IAM’s leading position in the field of multimedia education in Slovenia. IAM College of multimedia founded in 2010, beginning of education in the school year 2013/2014. So we upgrade the existing 2-year multimedia education programme into a 3-year BA programme according to European education standards and the Bologna declaration as well as continue integrating our programmes actively into the national education scape. We strive to offer our students an education assuring them proper professional competences for successful employment and enabling continuation of their study on MA degree level and other strands of the life long learning process. IAM intends to develop further educational programmes to complete the educational palette for all main media production work profiles.

With establishing of well-aimed multimedia research and development activities we intend to optimize the conditions for student work, further connect the industrial, the academic and the educational sector, and to participate in active development of multimedia production technologies and standards in Slovenia and abroad.

Establishing firm international cooperation links with partner institutions abroad is also among IAM’s top priorities, as it leads to prolific student and teacher exchange as well as further development and accomplishment of media education programmes on the international level. We will also expand our activities to other former Yugoslav and the rest of Southeastern Europe.

We will continue with active cooperation in job qualification policy in the field of media production and assistance in the development of media education for the Slovene school system.

In all our activities we will respect the basic values, which were our guidance already in IAM’s previous work:

  • professionality,
  • knowledge,
  • innovativity and creativity,
  • respecting dissimilarity regardless of culture and profession,
  •  mutual respect regardless of role and position.

The topmost objective of IAM is constant improvement of educational quality and care for overall business excellency as prerequisites for achieving best conditions for student qualification and personal growth as well as opening possibilities for student employment and stimulating continuous staff development.